Tuesday 8 January 2008


I developed an interest in Fair Trade last year while studying for my MBA. My studies are finally easing off so just before Xmas I started looking for volunteer work. Maybe I was being a bit choosy, but I couldn't find anything that excited me. Then I came across AVIF (http://www.avif.org.uk/) run by Alison Lowndes. AVIF's primary activity involves sending volunteer teachers to Kenya but they have previously tried to import goods. Alison told me that she didn't have the time to administer the project so I told her I would.
We started by buying £150 worth of Goods from Michael Mwaniki Njogu, a contact of Alison's in Nakuru. Mike makes and sells a wide range of products, which can be seen here: maasaiproductskenya.multiply.com. The original idea was for Mike to send a variety of these products to me in London which we would sell through AVIF's eBay Charity site.
Unfortunately Mike has not had the opportunity to send the shipment due to the violence that erupted after the recent Kenyan elections.
I knew very little about Kenya until recently. My only experience was slides my mother showed us as kids from her time there in the 60's. However the last month, since I have been in touch with Mike and Alison, has been a real learning experience (on so many levels).
Mike had mentioned that the elections were being held on 27th December and he had seemed a little concerned about sending the goods around this time. I had no idea that there was a possibility of violence, especially not on the scale that Kenya has experienced over the last couple of weeks. I have started following the story quite closely since but I don't want this to turn into a political excercise so I am not going to comment on Odinga, Kibaki etc. Safe to say I will complete my PEST analysis earlier next time.
What really motivated me to write this blog was a Skype conversation I had with Mike and Alison on Friday. Mike's brother had been hit with an arrow and he was distraught. He was trying to protect his own wife and kids, his brother's wife and kids while also trying to help his parents. He actually had to flee the cyber cafe during our conversation.
This is a huge reality check for someone brought up in the relatively safe environment of Dublin and now living in London, I can tell you.
I am glad to say though that I have talked to Michael a couple of times since, including today, and his family is safe, his brother is recovering and the violence seems to have ended.
The events that have unfolded over the last couple of weeks makes it even more important that this initiative is successful. I will update this blog every couple of days over the next few months with our progress, which will hopefully eventually lead to a wider range of suppliers and a dedicated website.

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